Post-conference masterclass - Thursday, 5 December

The masterclass includes morning and afternoon tea breaks and a 1-hour lunch break, allowing for extra networking opportunities and in-depth learning.

The masterclass starts at 09:00 and finishes at 17:00.

Modelling the value of CER to energy consumers

Focussing on residential and small non-residential customers, this masterclass examines the practicalities of harnessing consumer energy resources (CER). Staring by defining how CER differs from DER and DM, participants will take a deep dive into profiling consumer segments and their motivations, modelling the economics, looking at current and potential barriers and assessing business models and the best paths forward.

Projections and features of CER and other emerging approaches/technologies
  • CER vs DER vs DR
  • Potential in different customer classes
  • How big is CER expected to be and what does it ‘solve’ for the electricity sector
  • Features and capabilities of different types of CER
  • Motivations and expectations of different customer segments including early adopters and the early majority
Morning tea
Retail vs economic value of CER
  • What constitutes economic value
  • Modelling: to what extent do retail market offers and typical government incentives deliver or interfere with the realisation of economic benefits
  • How can tariffs and other price signals be customised to the motivations, expectations and potential responsiveness of different types of residential and small non-residential customers
Barriers and reforms
  • Current reform program (Scheduled Lite, price-responsive resources, VPPs, Flexible Trading Arrangements, ‘Electricity pricing for a consumer-driven future’, Streamlining connections, Others?)
  • The barriers these initiatives are designed to address
  • The barriers or problems will remain (and perhaps be noticed for the first time)
Afternoon tea
New and future business models
  • Current models
    • What are the retailers doing (Big 3, 2nd tier, innovators: Powershop, Amber)
    • DSOs and platforms (Piclo)
    • Aggregators (Reposit, Tesla, etc)
  • Potential/emerging models
    • Review of Australian and international trials and programs
    • Best prospects for Australia


Lance Hoch
Executive Director and Chair
Oakley Greenwood

Rohan Harris
Executive Director
Oakley Greenwood

Alex Cruickshank
Principal Consultant
Oakley Greenwood