Advisory Board

Quest Events would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the official 2023 event advisory panel who contributed their valuable time and expertise to ensure the agenda for this event was timely and relevant for all stakeholders working in the energy sector.


  • Libby Dale
    Co-founder, SmartMeasures

    Libby Dale is a digital professional passionate about all things related to customer experience and customer success. Having worked in technology for 25+ years, Libby became frustrated with the lack of solutions to solve the problem of customer churn. She left corporate life to co-create the ground breaking churn prediction and treatment software SmartMeasures, enabling large customer centric organisations to predict and control customer churn.

    Libby is passionate about keeping customers happy though clever technology. She believes customer churn can be avoided in a way that delivers both happy customers and improves the business bottom line.

  • Jo De Silva
    General Manager Retail Policy, Australian Energy Council

    Jo De Silva is the General Manager Retail Policy at the Australian Energy Council. Jo was most recently a senior leader at the Australian Energy Market Operator (ISP Consumer Panel) and Energy & Water Ombudsman SA, experienced in representing the long-term interests of different cohorts of energy consumers in regulatory and technical processes. Jo has served as a member of the Energy Security Board Stakeholder Steering Group and the National Customer Code Council for Comparators and Moving Services.

    Jo was a member of the Australian Energy Regulator Consumer Reference Group, all four Energy Security Board National Energy Guarantee Technical Working Groups and the Australian Energy Market Commission System Security Technical Working Group. Heading up energy policy at the South Australian Council of Social Service for around a decade, Jo convened the National Consumer Roundtable on Energy and was an inaugural member of the AER’s Consumer Challenge Panel. Jo is a former Judge of the South Australian Premier’s Mining and Energy Awards.

  • Rob Morris
    Chief Executive Officer, iO Energy

    Rob is a visionary builder and problem solver. After a decade employed as an aeronautical engineer, working on complex combat aircraft, he turned his eye to an even more complex challenge–the Australian Energy System! One day Rob looked at an energy bill and wondered “why are electricity prices the highest in the daytime, when the energy is coming from cheap, abundant and renewable solar power?” That idea led to the founding of iO Energy, which has grown to be a leading innovative energy business. Rob has a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering from Adelaide University and Master of Project Management from UNSW.

  • Ayesha Razzaq
    Executive General Manager of Retail, Ergon Energy

    Ayesha Razzaq BEng(Hons) GAICD FAMI was appointed Executive General Manager, Retail in March 2020.

    Ayesha is responsible for leading Energy Queensland’s Retail business, Ergon Energy Retail. This includes delivering a positive customer experience, managing wholesale energy procurement, and the ongoing development of products and service choices for customers.

    With over 20 years’ experience in senior executive roles within the energy industry, Ayesha is committed to customer-centricity, operational and transformational excellence, and driving innovative strategies to deliver profitable growth. Her prior experience in navigating a Retail business through significant energy industry change will help continue to move the Retail business forward in its customer-centric approach.

    Ayesha holds a Bachelor of Engineering with Honours and has graduated from Harvard Business School where she completed the Advanced Management Program. She was awarded the 2017 ACT Corporate Telstra Business Woman Award.