Day Two - Thursday, 4 December

Welcome Coffee

Opening remarks from the Chair

Ben Barnes
General Manager - Corporate Affairs and Retail
Australian Energy Council

Approaches to creating better relationships with energy consumers
Exploring the opportunities of Energy-as-a-Service (EaaS) for energy retailers and their customers
  • Diversifying revenue streams beyond traditional energy sales by offering value-added services
  • Engaging more deeply with customers by providing comprehensive energy solutions
  • Promoting energy efficiency and sustainability initiatives to reduce energy consumption, lower costs, and achieve sustainability goals
  • Building long-term relationships and recurring revenue and using that predictability to support long-term planning and investment
  • Harnessing technology as an essential enabler for the energy transition

Byron Searjeanston
Chief Operating Officer
Flow Power

Learnings from the smart meter rollout in the UK – benefits, challenges and the hurdles to come
  • Outlining the structure of the program, and the short and long-term benefits for customers
  • Identifying and addressing issues in the rollout, including hurdles still to be overcome
  • Supporting a low carbon, more flexible grid which allows for the electrification of heat and transport

Daisy Cross
Head of Future Retail Markets
Energy UK

Allowing energy consumers to understand and take control of their energy use
  • What level of understanding do customers need to feel empowered to manage their energy use?
  • Supporting behavioural changes – what really works
  • Evidence of how this works – how we are applying this in regional WA

Louisa Frome
Senior Manager, Marketing & Insights
Horizon Power

Morning tea

Bundling services - does a standalone retailer even make sense anymore?
  • Identifying the services an energy retailer needs to partner with in order to offer a full customer experience
  • Creating a compelling business structure/revenue benefit for partners integrating their products with the energy market
  • Meeting the needs of an increasingly sophisticated prosumer with distributed power stations

Adrian Merrick
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Energy Locals

Helping customers navigate the ‘green’ electricity maze to keep them engaged, motivated and optimistic about renewables and the transition
  • Analysing what customers understand and want from green electricity
  • Clearly defining the terms ‘GreenPower’, ‘green electricity provider’, and ‘carbon neutral’
  • Analysing current and emerging opportunities to support customers with renewable energy options (e.g. LGCs, iRECs, GP, REGOs, CPPA)
  • Servicing environmentally conscious customers with other products and services to meet their desire to make a difference

Olivia Hudson
General Manager of Product and Marketing
Momentum Energy

Impact of technology on energy retailing – the good, the bad and Gen AI
Examining the energy consumer experience, risk and process in the age of generative AI
  • Exploring the rise of responsive customer agents powered by AI, and the consequent demise of ‘rusted on’ consumers
  • Modelling constant change/churn as customer agents shop around to get the best price (and notice billing errors!)
  • Re-engineering energy retailing for a responsive customer agent, particularly in light of CDR
  • Overcoming barriers to demand management through the deep learning capabilities of generative AI

Paulo Gottgtroy
Head of Decision Science and Analytics
Mercury NZ


PANEL DISCUSSION: What does today’s energy consumer want and how does the industry develop products to meet them?
  • Have energy customers changed recently and in what ways?
  • Is the phrase “energy consumers” relevant anymore, or do we need to divide customers into sectors like ‘prosumers’ to get a grip on their differing desires and levels of sophistication?
  • What are the most effective ways of accessing your target audience to hear their real thoughts and get meaningful/actionable insights?
  • How critical is the concept of social licence when building products and services for energy consumers?


David Prins
Etrog Consulting


Sarah Thurstans
General Manager Retail
Tas Gas

Daniel McClintock
Head of Product Innovation
Simply Energy

Nigel Clark
Chief Executive Officer
Aurora Energy

Emmett Williams
Head of Commercial Solutions
Flow Power

Dissecting what customer-centric solutions really mean – what technology truly supports an exceptional customer experience?
  • Letting go of the one-way distribution model to embrace a new paradigm of entirely customer-centric business models
  • Retaining clients through innovation and customer focus
  • Developing smart platforms that are driven by real-time customers’ experience data
  • Delivering elegant technical solutions that make business processes run smoothly with tools and services customers can count on

Margaret Cooney
Chief Customer Officer
Octopus Energy

Afternoon tea

Ensuring that the astonishing changes in the energy system are reflected in exceptional technology and choice for customers
  • Improving energy retail customer experience and business efficiency with cloud software
  • Using data to maximise the use of cheap renewable energy
  • Offering personalised energy insights based on customer needs with advanced technologies such as smart meters, IoT devices, and data analytics

Rob Morris
Chief Executive Officer
iO Energy

PANEL DISCUSSION: How do we translate tech into stronger customer relationships?
  • How do we balance personalised services with the risk of being seen as an intrusive ‘Big Brother’?
  • How important are codes like the recent New Energy Tech Consumer Code (NETCC) in improving consumer confidence in energy tech?
  • What are some of the innovative services which will improve relationships and increase loyalty?
  • Which specific elements of technological improvements resonate most and impact customer satisfaction and loyalty?


Michael Kasprowicz
General Manager


Rob Morris
Chief Executive Officer
iO Energy

Margaret Cooney
Chief Customer Officer
Octopus Energy

Steve Hoy
Chief Executive Officer
Enosi Australia

Closing remarks from the Chair
End of Energy Retailing Excellence Conference 2023